GLS ShipIT - REST services
Custom Label Generation

General Label Overview

The label format, used in FPCS is called "Integrated Router Label". This label format is assembled by several general parts:

Routing Information
Describes the way of the parcel through the GLS system (from the pickup location to the delivery tour of the GLS driver).
All necessary routing, product, service, shipper and consignee address information is stored within the 2D codes for supporting GLS operational processes
General Information
Creation date & time, weight, routing data date, version etc.
Service Information
Contains service relevant information, e.g. handling instructions etc.
Consignee Address
Contains the address of the consignee.
Shipper Address
Contains the address of the shipper as well as the Customer and Contact’s ID
B2C Area
Contains additional information, e.g. shippers own parcel reference, consignee’s contact data, etc.

The source for data printed in these areas is either the request or the response of a WebService API call:

General Label Part Source
Routing Information Response
Barcodes Response (textual representation)
General Information Request (partly) and Response (partly)
Service Information Request or Response (both are valid)
Consignee Address Request
Shipper Address Request (address) and Response (ID's)
B2C Area Request

Detailed Label Mapping

Routing Information

The "Routing Information" part describes the way of the parcel through the GLS system (from the pickup location to the delivery tour of the GLS driver).

1 Outbound Sorting Flag
2 Tour-Number
3 Destination Country +
Final Destination
"FinalLocationCode":"DE 440",
4 Track-ID
5 Handling Information
6 ZipCode
"Shipment": {
"Consignee": {
"Address": {
"ZIPCode": "65760",
7 Inbound Sorting Flag


The barcode part contains all necessary routing, product, service, shipper and consignee address information is stored within the 2D codes for supporting GLS operational processes.

The 2D-Codes used within all GLS systems (a.k.a. Uni-Code/ Uni-Ship) are Data Matrix Codes in version ECC 200.

definitionData Matrix ECC 200
standardISO/IEC 16022
symbol size36x36 oder 40x40
capacity (chars)127 (max.)
recoverable errors21 (max.)
physical measurementmin. 18x18 mm
EncodingISO 8859-1 (LATIN1)

The integrated router label contains two data matrix codes.

The left barcode (1) is called "Primary 2D code" and is used to identify the transport unit. The Primary 2D code is built of all the routing information that is used to process the shipment.

All the address data of the consignee are coded within the right barcode (2). This data matrix is called "Secondary 2D code".

1 Primary Code
"Primary2D":"ADE 500DE 44027602208452769995N0EZDDGPE24AAGe 0NST182918055 0120000100153237"
2 Secondary Code
"Secondary2D":"A|Hr. Test|Teststraße 42|Rostock-Brinckmansdorf|| 987654321| 1234567|",
3 Primary 1D Code
"Primary2D":"ADE 600FR00102760232325276a45fhoxZHRGXCO2CC 1FR1498810000 00500001001910044558",
"Secondary2D":"A|Monsieur Test|Rue Marceau|Troyes|1|1234||",

General Information

The General Information part contains the creation date & time, the weight of the shipment, the quantity, the routing data date and version and other information.

1 Pickup Location
"PickupLocation":"DE 777"
2 Shipment Date
and Time
"Shipment": {
3 Weight
and Time
"Shipment": {
"ShipmentUnit": [
"Weight": 12.0
count(/soapenv:Body/type:ShipmentRequestData/typ:Shipment/typ:ShipmentUnit) calculated from the position of the element <typ:ShipmentUnit> and the
count of all <typ:ShipmentUnit> elements inside the element
5 Routing Date
6Label Version
static text containing the version of the format used for this label.

Service Information

Contains service relevant information, e.g. handling instructions a.s.o. Each service may have it's own representation and format.

The header to be printed as well as all of the information data with label text and values are given as elements in the response.

Shipper Address

This part contains the address of the shipper as well as the Customer and Contact’s ID.

While the shipper's address data may be freely defined by the WebService caller, the customer's IDs is returned within the WebService response appropriate to the requested contact ID of the shipper used for this shipment.

(rotated by 90°)

1 Customer ID
1 Contact ID
"Shipment": {
"Shipper": {
"ContactID": "2769995N0E"

Consignee address and B2C Area

The source for the consignee address is all the subsequent elements from element <com:Address> in <typ:Consignee> element of the WebService request.

Label Measurements

Outline Measurement

The Integrated Router Label measures 100mm vertical by 150mm horizontal:

Measurements of the Label Parts and structural elements


Fonts and Position of the Label Elements

ElementAnchorXYWidthHeightFontFont sizeFormattingExample
Outbound Sorting Flag
4mm 10mm Swiss721 Cn BT 25pt bold
Inbound Sorting Flag
33.5mm 10mm Swiss721 Cn BT 25pt inverse, bold
30mm 0mm 7mm 11.5mm
4mm 21mm Swiss721 Cn BT 20pt bold
Destination Country
60mm 10mm Swiss721 Cn BT 25pt bold
Final Location
83.5mm 10mm Swiss721 Cn BT 25pt inverse, bold, centered
71mm 0mm 25mm 11.5mm
50mm 21mm Courier 12pt bold, centered
50mm 15mm Swiss721 Cn BT 6pt centered Your GLS Track ID
Handling Information
96mm 21mm Swiss721 Cn BT 15pt bold, right-justified
30.5mm 21mm Swiss721 Cn BT 12pt bold
30.5mm 15mm Swiss721 Cn BT 6pt centered Zip Code
Primary 2D Code
4mm 46mm 18mm 18mm
Secondary 2D Code
96mm 46mm 18mm 18mm
Primary 1D Code
50mm 46mm 105px (37mm @ 72dpi) 49px (18.1mm @ 72dpi)
Primary 1D Code (plain writing)
50mm 49mm 35.27mm Courier 10pt bold, centered
Pickup Location
4mm 56mm Swiss721 Cn BT 10pt
(Station ID)
15mm 56mm Swiss721 Cn BT 6pt aab
Shipment Date
33mm 56mm Swiss721 Cn BT 8pt
Shipment Time
34mm 56mm Swiss721 Cn BT 8pt
50mm 56mm Swiss721 Cn BT 14pt bold, centered
65mm 56mm Swiss721 Cn BT 8pt centered
Routing Date
80mm 56mm Swiss721 Cn BT 8pt centered
Label Version
96mm 56mm Swiss721 Cn BT 6pt right-justified
Service Name
2mm 63mm Swiss721 Cn BT 10pt bold
Service Info
2mm 66mm Swiss721 Cn BT 8pt
Contact ID
97mm 94mm Swiss721 Cn BT 8pt
Customer ID
97mm 119mm Swiss721 Cn BT 6pt 90° rotated right
Reference Barcode/Image Right
82.90mm 98.42mm 12.34mm 35.27mm
Reference Barcode/Image
Bottom Horizontal
0.70mm 134.05mm 97.36mm 13.75mm