GLS ShipIT  3.5.15
GLS ShipIT - REST services
Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem Class Reference

Public Member Functions

String getTrackID ()
void setTrackID (String value)
String getParcelNumber ()
void setParcelNumber (String value)
String getPartnerParcelNumber ()
void setPartnerParcelNumber (String value)
List< String > getShipmentReference ()
List< String > getShipmentUnitReference ()
Date getInitialDate ()
void setInitialDate (Date value)
String getStatus ()
void setStatus (String value)

Protected Attributes

String trackID
String parcelNumber
String partnerParcelNumber
List< String > shipmentReference
List< String > shipmentUnitReference
Date initialDate
String status

Detailed Description

Unit item (a track list item)

Java class for UnitItem complex type.

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.

<complexType name="UnitItem">
    <restriction base="{}anyType">
        <element name="TrackID" type="{}ReferenceNumber"/>
        <element name="ParcelNumber" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element name="PartnerParcelNumber" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element name="ShipmentReference" type="{}CustomerReferenceNumber" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element name="ShipmentUnitReference" type="{}CustomerReferenceNumber" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element name="InitialDate" type="{}dateTime"/>
        <element name="Status" type="{}string"/>

Definition at line 53 of file tracking/

Member Function Documentation

◆ getInitialDate()

Date eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.getInitialDate ( )

Gets the value of the initialDate property.

possible object is String

Definition at line 210 of file tracking/

◆ getParcelNumber()

String eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.getParcelNumber ( )

Gets the value of the parcelNumber property.

possible object is String

Definition at line 104 of file tracking/

◆ getPartnerParcelNumber()

String eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.getPartnerParcelNumber ( )

Gets the value of the partnerParcelNumber property.

possible object is String

Definition at line 128 of file tracking/

◆ getShipmentReference()

List<String> eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.getShipmentReference ( )

Gets the value of the shipmentReference property.

This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. This is why there is not a set method for the shipmentReference property.

For example, to add a new item, do as follows:


Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list String

Definition at line 166 of file tracking/

◆ getShipmentUnitReference()

List<String> eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.getShipmentUnitReference ( )

Gets the value of the shipmentUnitReference property.

This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. This is why there is not a set method for the shipmentUnitReference property.

For example, to add a new item, do as follows:


Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list String

Definition at line 195 of file tracking/

◆ getStatus()

String eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.getStatus ( )

Gets the value of the status property.

possible object is String

Definition at line 234 of file tracking/

◆ getTrackID()

String eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.getTrackID ( )

Gets the value of the trackID property.

possible object is String

Definition at line 80 of file tracking/

◆ setInitialDate()

void eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.setInitialDate ( Date  value)

Sets the value of the initialDate property.

valueallowed object is String

Definition at line 222 of file tracking/

◆ setParcelNumber()

void eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.setParcelNumber ( String  value)

Sets the value of the parcelNumber property.

valueallowed object is String

Definition at line 116 of file tracking/

◆ setPartnerParcelNumber()

void eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.setPartnerParcelNumber ( String  value)

Sets the value of the partnerParcelNumber property.

valueallowed object is String

Definition at line 140 of file tracking/

◆ setStatus()

void eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.setStatus ( String  value)

Sets the value of the status property.

valueallowed object is String

Definition at line 246 of file tracking/

◆ setTrackID()

void eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.setTrackID ( String  value)

Sets the value of the trackID property.

valueallowed object is String

Definition at line 92 of file tracking/

Member Data Documentation

◆ initialDate

Date eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.initialDate

Definition at line 68 of file tracking/

◆ parcelNumber

String eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.parcelNumber

Definition at line 58 of file tracking/

◆ partnerParcelNumber

String eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.partnerParcelNumber

Definition at line 60 of file tracking/

◆ shipmentReference

List<String> eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.shipmentReference

Definition at line 62 of file tracking/

◆ shipmentUnitReference

List<String> eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.shipmentUnitReference

Definition at line 64 of file tracking/

◆ status

String eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.status

Definition at line 70 of file tracking/

◆ trackID

String eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.tracking.UnitItem.trackID

Definition at line 56 of file tracking/

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