GLS ShipIT  3.5.15
GLS ShipIT - SOAP services
Public Member Functions | Protected Attributes | List of all members
eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment Class Reference

Public Member Functions

List< String > getShipmentReference ()
Date getShippingDate ()
void setShippingDate (Date value)
String getIncotermCode ()
void setIncotermCode (String value)
String getIdentifier ()
void setIdentifier (String value)
String getMiddleware ()
void setMiddleware (String value)
ProductType getProduct ()
void setProduct (ProductType value)
Boolean isExpressAltDeliveryAllowed ()
void setExpressAltDeliveryAllowed (Boolean value)
Consignee getConsignee ()
void setConsignee (Consignee value)
Shipper getShipper ()
void setShipper (Shipper value)
Return getReturn ()
void setReturn (Return value)
Carrier getCarrier ()
void setCarrier (Carrier value)
List< ShipmentUnitgetShipmentUnit ()
List< ShipmentServicegetService ()

Protected Attributes

List< String > shipmentReference
Date shippingDate
String incotermCode
String identifier
String middleware
ProductType product
Boolean expressAltDeliveryAllowed
Consignee consignee
Shipper shipper
Return _return
Carrier carrier
List< ShipmentUnitshipmentUnit
List< ShipmentServiceservice

Detailed Description

Shipment attributes

Java class for Shipment complex type.

The following schema fragment specifies the expected content contained within this class.

<complexType name="Shipment">
    <restriction base="{}anyType">
        <element name="ShipmentReference" type="{}CustomerReferenceNumber" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element name="ShippingDate" type="{}date" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element name="IncotermCode" type="{}IncotermCode" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element name="Identifier" type="{}ShipmentIdentifier" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element name="Middleware" type="{}string" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element name="Product" type="{}ProductType"/>
        <element name="ExpressAltDeliveryAllowed" type="{}boolean" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element name="Consignee" type="{}Consignee"/>
        <element name="Shipper" type="{}Shipper"/>
        <element name="Return" type="{}Return" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element name="Carrier" type="{}Carrier" minOccurs="0"/>
        <element name="ShipmentUnit" type="{}ShipmentUnit" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
        <element name="Service" type="{}ShipmentService" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"/>

Definition at line 73 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

Member Function Documentation

◆ getCarrier()

Carrier eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.getCarrier ( )

Gets the value of the carrier property.

possible object is String

Definition at line 359 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ getConsignee()

Consignee eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.getConsignee ( )

Gets the value of the consignee property.

possible object is Consignee

Definition at line 287 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ getIdentifier()

String eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.getIdentifier ( )

Gets the value of the identifier property.

possible object is String

Definition at line 191 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ getIncotermCode()

String eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.getIncotermCode ( )

Gets the value of the incotermCode property.

possible object is String

Definition at line 167 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ getMiddleware()

String eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.getMiddleware ( )

Gets the value of the middleware property.

possible object is String

Definition at line 215 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ getProduct()

ProductType eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.getProduct ( )

Gets the value of the product property.

possible object is ProductType

Definition at line 239 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ getReturn()

Return eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.getReturn ( )

Gets the value of the return property.

possible object is Return

Definition at line 335 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ getService()

List<ShipmentService> eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.getService ( )

Gets the value of the service property.

This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. This is why there is not a set method for the service property.

For example, to add a new item, do as follows:


Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list ShipmentService

Definition at line 426 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ getShipmentReference()

List<String> eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.getShipmentReference ( )

Gets the value of the shipmentReference property.

This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. This is why there is not a set method for the shipmentReference property.

For example, to add a new item, do as follows:


Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list String

Definition at line 128 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ getShipmentUnit()

List<ShipmentUnit> eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.getShipmentUnit ( )

Gets the value of the shipmentUnit property.

This accessor method returns a reference to the live list, not a snapshot. Therefore any modification you make to the returned list will be present inside the JAXB object. This is why there is not a set method for the shipmentUnit property.

For example, to add a new item, do as follows:


Objects of the following type(s) are allowed in the list ShipmentUnit

Definition at line 397 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ getShipper()

Shipper eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.getShipper ( )

Gets the value of the shipper property.

possible object is Shipper

Definition at line 311 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ getShippingDate()

Date eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.getShippingDate ( )

Gets the value of the shippingDate property.

possible object is String

Definition at line 143 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ isExpressAltDeliveryAllowed()

Boolean eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.isExpressAltDeliveryAllowed ( )

Gets the value of the expressAltDeliveryAllowed property.

possible object is Boolean

Definition at line 263 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ setCarrier()

void eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.setCarrier ( Carrier  value)

Sets the value of the carrier property.

valueallowed object is String

Definition at line 371 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ setConsignee()

void eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.setConsignee ( Consignee  value)

Sets the value of the consignee property.

valueallowed object is Consignee

Definition at line 299 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ setExpressAltDeliveryAllowed()

void eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.setExpressAltDeliveryAllowed ( Boolean  value)

Sets the value of the expressAltDeliveryAllowed property.

valueallowed object is Boolean

Definition at line 275 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ setIdentifier()

void eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.setIdentifier ( String  value)

Sets the value of the identifier property.

valueallowed object is String

Definition at line 203 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ setIncotermCode()

void eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.setIncotermCode ( String  value)

Sets the value of the incotermCode property.

valueallowed object is String

Definition at line 179 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ setMiddleware()

void eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.setMiddleware ( String  value)

Sets the value of the middleware property.

valueallowed object is String

Definition at line 227 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ setProduct()

void eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.setProduct ( ProductType  value)

Sets the value of the product property.

valueallowed object is ProductType

Definition at line 251 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ setReturn()

void eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.setReturn ( Return  value)

Sets the value of the return property.

valueallowed object is Return

Definition at line 347 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ setShipper()

void eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.setShipper ( Shipper  value)

Sets the value of the shipper property.

valueallowed object is Shipper

Definition at line 323 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

◆ setShippingDate()

void eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.setShippingDate ( Date  value)

Sets the value of the shippingDate property.

valueallowed object is String

Definition at line 155 of file glsgroup/fpcs/datatypes/soap/v1/shipmentprocessing/

Member Data Documentation

◆ _return

Return eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment._return

◆ carrier

Carrier eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.carrier

◆ consignee

Consignee eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.consignee

◆ expressAltDeliveryAllowed

Boolean eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.expressAltDeliveryAllowed

◆ identifier

String eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.identifier

◆ incotermCode

String eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.incotermCode

◆ middleware

String eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.middleware

◆ product

ProductType eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.product

◆ service

List<ShipmentService> eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.service

◆ shipmentReference

List<String> eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.shipmentReference

◆ shipmentUnit

List<ShipmentUnit> eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.shipmentUnit

◆ shipper

Shipper eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.shipper

◆ shippingDate

Date eu.glsgroup.fpcs.datatypes.soap.v1.shipmentprocessing.Shipment.shippingDate

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